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Module 2: Financing a Clinic

Sustainability is Key

Successful school-based clinic financing is based on multiple factors. This often consists of a diverse portfolio of funding types, including:

  • Billing revenue 

  • Other public (or private) funding


Billing insurance is the #1 way to bring in revenue for school-based clinics. These resources may help clinics in getting organized on billing. The links below may also help with enrollment and eligibility information for patients as well.

Billing Revenue


Other Funding Sources

Listed below are public funding sources clinics may want to consider for their program:

  • School Based-Health Center Program, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment – general operating and planning grants available regularly

  • Colorado Primary Care Fund, Colorado Department of Healthcare Policy and Financing – funding to support clinics that serve uninsured who may not qualify for any other program

  • ​Colorado Indigent Care Program (CICP), Colorado Department of Healthcare Policy and Financing – discount care program for qualifying individuals


Outside of public funding, local and statewide private foundations may also be a resource. Please check with Youth Healthcare Alliance staff to get the most current ideas and connections.

Girl at the Pediatrician
school-based clinic icon

Managing a Clinic

There are specific nuances that make managing a school-based clinic different than running other types of health clinics. While all require similar skills and knowledge, school-based clinics are located on school grounds and are youth-serving, so a working knowledge of HIPAA and FERPA requirements, minor consent laws, and engagement with schools and school districts are necessary. It is also critical to promote safe, inclusive spaces to receive care, which begins with management structures. Resources in this module include:


  • Clinic welcome packet

  • Quality standards and clinic menu of services

  • Patient privacy, confidentiality, HIPAA/FERPA

  • Marketing, recruitment, and retention

  • Evaluations

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