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Clinical Advancement

How We Support Clinical Advancement in School-Based Clinics


Our clinical work focuses on supporting school-based clinics -- individually and throughout the statewide network -- in their delivery of comprehensive healthcare.


This includes providing clinics:

  • Resources

  • Training

  • Technical assistance

  • Learning and practice cohorts 


This page includes resources for school-based clinics, and should you want more support, we also offer a variety of expert consultation and facilitation services for communities exploring, starting, and operating clinics.

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Comprehensive Care

The goal of our clinical work is to assist school-based clinics to enhance their ability to provide comprehensive health care that is rooted in quality standards using evidence-based and promising practices. 


Comprehensive care in school-based clinics includes:

  • Primary care

  • Behavioral health

  • Oral health


The Comprehensive Healthcare Integration Framework

Published in April 2022, under the National Council for Mental Wellbeing’s Medical Director Institute, this framework offers an updated conceptualization of integrated care implementation from the original Framework for Levels of Integrated Care published by SAMHSA-HRSA’s Center for Integrated Health Solutions (CIHS) in 2013.


Screenings for Prevention Recommendations

American Academy of Pediatrics’ Recommendations for Preventive Pediatric Health Care

This resource provides guidance on recommended screenings by age as part of preventive visits for patients from birth through age 21.

Examining Molecule Model
Children in Classroom

Confidential Care

Minor Consent Chart

National Center for Youth Law, 2021 Updated

School-based clinics are subject to and follow the same minor consent law required for all healthcare providers in Colorado. This chart provides an overview of Colorado’s minor consent laws and does not serve as legal advice. We recommend all school-based clinics review minor consent policies and procedures with their operating agency to ensure compliance.

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Trauma-Informed Care

Trauma Infomed Care

Youth Healthcare Alliance strives to advance comprehensive care in school-based clinics while fostering trauma-informed organizations that are inclusive of healing-centered engagement frameworks. We support school-based clinics in modeling and providing care that recognizes the impact life events have on the well-being of staff, patients, and their community while also identifying and fostering strengths within all of these to achieve healthy outcomes. We work to advance the importance of team-based care to address social determinants of health and the need for health education and patient support as part of clinic services.


Creating Trauma-Informed Systems

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Building a trauma-informed clinic requires multiple systems to work together and culture changes within the organizations involved. This website offers systems-oriented resources for healthcare entities, schools, and others interested in building and improving trauma-informed approaches. 

The Future of Healing: Shifting From Trauma Informed Care to Healing Centered Engagement

Dr. Shawn Ginwright, Flourish Agenda

In this article, Dr. Shawn Ginwright introduces the concept of Healing Centered Engagement. It speaks to the limitations of trauma-informed care and offers Healing Center Engagement as a framework to add another dimension to trauma-informed work focused on strengths, agency, and empowerment.

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Learn how you can partner with us to advance care in school-based clinics.

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