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Module 1: Managing a Clinic

Operating a clinic

As you manage your school-based clinics, there are a variety of resources that can help staff stay grounded in important operational pieces and ensure that your clinic policies and practices are as up to date as possible.


To start, Youth Healthcare Alliance's welcome packet is a helpful way to onboard new staff at your clinics, or remind existing staff of different aspects of the school-based clinic landscape.

Quality Standards, Menu of Services, & Workforce

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)’s School-Based Health Center program Contract Toolkit provides exceptional guidance on a menu of services to be provided by school-based clinics and outlines the program’s quality standards. While only school-based clinics receiving CDPHE funding are required to follow these standards, we encourage all school-based clinic operators to use these resources as a reference point for their school-based services.


Workforce is a critical element of successful clinical operations, and maintaining an equitable, inclusive, and person-centered environment at the clinic is imperative for retaining and recruiting high-quality and diverse staff, as well as enabling them to perform at their best. Youth Healthcare Alliance compiled this list of considerations for culture and policy changes to facilitate internal dialogue and changes.


Some additional workforce resources include the following:


Patient Privacy & Confidentiality, HIPAA/FERPA

Notice of Privacy Practices

Sunrise Community Health (English and Spanish)

A sample notice that a clinic’s privacy practices is in compliance with HIPAA. The notice of privacy practice includes understanding health information, how the clinic may use and disclose health information, other uses and disclosures allowed and/or required by law, and other topics to ensure compliance with HIPAA.


Release of Information

Sunrise Community Health & Kids First Health Care

Form used to request permission to exchange patient information between the school-based clinic and other agencies.


Patient's Bill of Rights and Responsibilities

Sunrise Community Health

A sample bill of rights for outlining the rights patients have at the clinic and the responsibilities as a patient at the clinic.


HIPAA/FERPA Considerations (Guidance and FAQs)

US Department of Health and Human Services and US Department of Education

These resources contain important considerations in how to set up information-sharing in compliance with both FERPA and HIPAA requirements.


HIPAA/FERPA Guidance on Sharing and Protecting Confidentiality

School-Based Health Alliance and National Center for Youth Law

This blog post and links offer guidance on balancing information sharing between school staff and school-based clinics while protecting patient confidentiality. Download the guide.


HIPAA and FERPA Basics

American Academy of Pediatrics

Another tool to explain the main points of difference and intersection between HIPAA and FERPA.

Image by Anna Selle
Image by Rémi Walle

Promotion & Evaluation of Clinics

Clinic Websites

Mountain Family School-Based Health Centers

An example of a well-designed website for a large organization operating a network of school-based health clinics.


Kids First Health Care

An example of a user-friendly website detailing information about a school-based health clinic.


Promotional Flyers

Flyers for Parents (English and Spanish)

Kids First Health Care

This two-page informational flyer shows the types of services offered at a school-based clinic and provides insurance information for parents.


Enrollment Flyer (English and Spanish)

Kids First Health Care

This marketing flyer advertises school-based clinic sites and the adolescent health care services provided. 


Informational Flyer (English and Spanish)

Kids First Health Care

An informational flyer about the SBHC Kids First Health Care in English and Spanish. Information includes clinic locations, services, the benefits of using an SBHC, hours of operation, cost of services, and the impact on student academic achievement. 


School-Based Clinic Annual Reports

Denver Health 

An example of an infographic-style annual report detailing a network of school-based health clinics.


Kids First Health Care

Another example of an infographic-style annual report detailing impact of clinics.


Satisfaction Surveys

Satisfaction Surveys for Patients (English & Spanish) & Parent/Guardians (English & Spanish)

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s (CDPHE) School-Based Health Center Program

These are two experience/satisfaction surveys for school-based clinics that do not have their own surveys or for those who may want to use the CDPHE surveys in lieu of their own. The school-based clinics user survey and the parent/guardian survey were designed to capture feedback from users and/or their parents/guardians on their experiences with their school-based health center, including satisfaction with and perceived benefits of services. The surveys were written at a 4th Grade level with the help of School-Based Health Center Program grantee staff as well as evaluation experts; and the school-based clinic user Survey was reviewed by a group of young people to ensure questions were best phrased for middle to high school students.

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Financing a Clinic

Successful school-based clinic financing is based on multiple factors. This often consists of a diverse portfolio of funding types, including:


  • Billing revenue

  • Grant funding

  • Operating organization support

  • In-kind support from school districts

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